Vaccinated Read online

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  Studies of rubella vaccine in pregnant women: Plotkin and Orenstein, Vaccines; W. F. Fleet, E. W. Benz, D. T. Karzon, L. B. Lefkowitz, and K. L. Herrmann, "Fetal Consequences of Maternal Rubella Immunization," Journal of the American Medical Association 227 (1974): 621–27.

  Gerberding announcement: "CDC Announces Rubella, Once a Major Cause of Birth Defects, Is No Longer a Health Threat in the U.S.," telebriefing transcript, March 21, 2005.

  Political Science

  Phil Provost was interviewed on May 15, 2006; Stanley Plotkin on February 15, 2005, and September 15, 2006; Keerti Shah on May 22, 2006, and Leonard Hayflick on November 6 and 7, 2006.

  Debi Vinnedge and the Catholic Church: Catholic Exchange, "Vaccines and Abortion: What's the Right Choice," http://www.catholicexchange. com/vm/index.asp?art_id=31229; American Life League, "Activism: Vaccines and the Catholic Doctrine,"; C. Glatz, "Vatican Says Refusing Vaccines Must Be Weighed against Health Threats," Catholic News Service, stories/cns/0504240.htm; "Vatican Statement on Vaccines Derived from Aborted Human Fetuses," Pontifica Academia Pro Vita, concerns/vaticandocument.htm; Debi Vinnedge and Children of God for Life, html/who19vinnedge.htm; "Vaccines and Fetuses," The Millennium Project, vaxliars/foeti.htm; "Vaccines Originating in Abortion," Ethics and Medics 24 (1999): 3–4; "Moral Reflection on Vaccines Prepared from Cells Derived from Aborted Human Foetuses," Pontifical Academy for Life, Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith,; D. Vinnedge: "Responding to the Call: Is Anyone Listening?", and "Vaccines from Abortion: The Truth,"; National Network for Immunization Information, "Vaccine Components: Human Fetal Links with Some Vaccines," vaccine_ components_ detail.cfv?id=32.

  Hilleman SV40 studies: B. H. Sweet and M. R. Hilleman, "Detection of a "Non-Detectable' Simian Virus (Vacuolating Agent) Present in Rhesus and Cynomolgus Monkey-Kidney Cells Culture Material: A Preliminary Report," Second International Conference on Live Poliovirus Vaccines, Pan American Health Organization and World Health Organization, Washington, D.C., June 1960; B. H. Sweet and M. R. Hilleman, "The Vacuolating Virus, SV40," Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 105 (1960): 420–27; A. J. Girardi, B. H. Sweet, V. B. Slotnick, and M. R. Hilleman, "Development of Tumors in Hamsters Inoculated in the Neonatal Period with Vacuolating Virus, SV40," Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 109 (1962): 649–60; A. J. Girardi, B. H. Sweet, and M. R. Hilleman, "Factors Influencing Tumor Induction in Hamsters by Vacuolating Virus, SV40," Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 112 (1963): 662–67; A. J. Girardi, and M. R. Hilleman, "Host-Virus Relationships in Hamsters Inoculated with SV40 Virus during the Neonatal Period," Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 116 (1964): 723–28; H. Goldner, A. J. Girardi, V. M. Larson, and M. R. Hilleman, "Interruption of SV40 Virus Tumorigenesis Using Irradiated Homologous Tumor Antigen," Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 117 (1964): 851–57; H. Goldner, A. J. Girardi, and M. R. Hilleman, "Enhancement in Hamsters of Virus Oncogenesis Attending Vaccination Procedures," Virology 27 (1965): 225–27; J. H. Coggin, V. M. Larson, and M. R. Hilleman, "Prevention of SV40 Virus Tumorigenesis by Irradiated, Disrupted and Iododeoxyuridine-Treated Tumor Cell Antigens," Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 124 (1967): 774–84; V. M. Larson, W. G. Raupp, and M. R. Hilleman, "Prevention of SV40 Virus Tumorigenesis in Newborn Hamsters by Maternal Immunization," Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 126 (1967): 674–77; V. M. Larson, W. R. Clark, and M. R. Hilleman, "Cryosurgical Treatment of Primary SV40 Viral and Adenovirus 7 Transplant Tumors in Hamsters," Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 128 (1968): 983–88; P. N. Panteleakis, V. M. Larson, E. S. Glenn, and M. R. Hilleman, "Prevention of Viral and Transplant Tumors in Hamsters Employing Killed and Fragmented Homologous Tumor Cell Vaccines," Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 129 (1968): 50–57; V. M. Larson, W. R. Clark, and M. R. Hilleman, "Comparative Studies of SV40 and Adenovirus Oncogenesis in Random Bred and Inbred Hamsters," Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 137 (1971): 607–13.

  SV40 and cancer: M. D. Innis, "Oncogenesis and Poliomyelitis Vaccine," Nature 219 (1968): 972–73; J. F. Fraumeni Jr., C. R. Stark, E. Gold, and M. L. Lepow, "Simian Virus 40 in Polio Vaccine: Follow-Up of Newborn Recipients," Science 167 (1970): 59–60; K. V. Shah, H. L. Ozer, H. S. Pond, et al., "SV40 Neutralizing Antibodies in Sera of U.S. Residents without History of Polio Immunization," Nature 231 (1971): 448–49; K. Shah and N. Nathan-son, "Human Exposure to SV40: Review and Comment," American Journal of Epidemiology 103 (1976): 1–12; E. A. Mortimer, M. L. Lepow, E. Gold, et al., "Long-Term Follow-Up of Persons Inadvertently Inoculated with SV40 as Neonates," New England Journal of Medicine 305 (1981): 1517–18; B. Kuska, "SV40: Working the Bugs out of the Polio Vaccine," Journal of the National Cancer Institute 89 (1997): 283–84; M. Carbone, P. Rizzo, and H. I. Pass, "Simian Virus 40, Polio Vaccines and Human Tumors: A Review of Recent Developments," Oncogene 15 (1997): 1877–88; L. Hayflick, "SV40 and Human Cancer," Science 276 (1997): 337–38; A. Procopio, R. Marinacci, M. R. Marinetti, et al., "SV40 Expression in Human Neoplastic and Non-Neoplastic Tissues: Perspectives on Diagnosis, Prognosis and Therapy of Human Malignant Melanoma," Development of Biological Standards 94(1998): 361–67; P. Olin and J. Giesecke, "Potential Exposure to SV40 in Polio Vaccines Used in Sweden during 1957: No Impact on Cancer Incidence Rates 1960 to 1993," Development of Biological Standards 94 (1998): 227–33; H. D. Strickler and J. J. Goedert, "Exposure to SV40-Contaminated Poliovirus Vaccine and the Risk of Cancer: A Review of the Epidemiologic Evidence," Development of Biological Standards 94 (1998): 235–44; S. C. Stenton, "Simian Virus 40 and Human Malignancy," British Medical Journal 316 (1998): 877; H. D. Strickler, P. S. Rosenberg, S. S. Devesa, et al., "Contamination of Poliovirus Vaccines with Simian Virus 40 (1955–1963) and Subsequent Cancer Rates," Journal of the American Medical Association 279 (1998): 292–95; H. D. Strickler, P. S. Rosenberg, S. S. Devesa, et al., "Contamination of Poliovirus Vaccine with SV40 and the Incidence of Medulloblastoma," Medical and Pediatric Oncology 32 (1999): 77–78; S. G. Fisher, L. Weber, and M. Carbone, "Cancer Risk Associated with Simian Virus 40 Contaminated Polio Vaccine," Anticancer Research 19 (1999): 2173–80; D. Sangar, P. A. Pipkin, D. J. Wood, and P. D. Minor, "Examination of Poliovirus Vaccine Preparations for SV40 Sequences," Biologicals 27 (1999): 1–10; M. R. Goldman and M. J. Brock, "Contaminated Polio Vaccines: Will the Next Shot Be Fired in the Courtroom?" Journal of Legal Medicine 20 (1999): 223–49; J. S. Butel, "Simian Virus 40, Poliovirus Vaccines, and Human Cancer: Research Progress versus Media and Public Interests," Bulletin of the World Health Organization 78 (2000): 195–98; H. Ohgaki, H. Huang, M. Haltia, et al., "More about Cell and Molecular Biology of Simian Virus 40: Implications for Human Infection and Disease," Journal of the National Cancer Institute 92 (2000): 495–96; C. Carroll-Pankhurst, E. A. Engels, H. D. Strickler, et al., "Thirty-five Year Mortality Following Receipt of SV40-Contaminated Polio Vaccine during the Neonatal Period," British Journal of Cancer 85 (2001): 1295–97; D. Ferber, "Creeping Consensus on SV40 and Polio Vaccine," Science 298 (2002): 725–27; M. Carbone, H. I. Pass, L. Miele, and M. Bocchetta, "New Developments about the Association of SV40 with Human Mesothelioma," Oncogene 22 (2003): 5173–80; P. Minor, P. Pipkin, Z. Jarzebek, and W. Knowles, "Studies of Neutralizing Antibodies to SV40 in Human Sera," Journal of Medical Virology 70 (2003): 490–95; E. A. Engels, L. H. Rodman, M. Frisch, et al., "Childhood Exposure to Simian Virus 40-Contaminated Poliovirus Vaccine and Risk of AIDS-Associated Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma," International Journal of Cancer 106 (2003): 28
3–87; R. A. Vilchez, A. S. Arrington, and J. S. Butel, "Cancer Incidence in Denmark Following Exposure to Poliovirus Vaccine Contaminated with Simian Virus 40," Journal of the National Cancer Institute 95 (2003): 1249; H. D. Strickler, J. J. Goedert, S. S. Devesa, et al., "Trends in U.S. Pleural Mesothelioma Incidence Rates Following Simian Virus 40 Contamination of Early Poliovirus Vaccines," Journal of the National Cancer Institute 95 (2003): 38–45; E. A. Engels, H. A. Katki, N. M. Nielson, et al., "Cancer Incidence in Denmark Following Exposure to Poliovirus Vaccine Contaminated with Simian Virus 40," Journal of the National Cancer Institute 95 (2003): 532–39; F. Mayall, K. Barratt, and J. Shanks, "The Detection of Simian Virus 40 in Mesotheliomas from New Zealand and England Using Real Time FRET Probe PCR Protocols," Journal of Clinical Pathology 56 (2003): 728–30; M. Carbone, and M. A. Rkzanek, "Pathogenesis of Malignant Mesothelioma," Clinical Lung Cancer 5 (2004): S46–S50; G. Barbanti-Brodano, S. Sabbioni, F. Martini, et al., "Simian Virus 40 Infection in Humans and Association with Human Diseases: Results and Hypotheses," Virology 318 (2004): 1–9; K. V. Shah, "Simian Virus 40 and Human Disease," Journal of Infectious Diseases 190 (2004): 2061–64; M. Jin, H. Sawa, T. Suzuki, et al., "Investigation of Simian Virus 40 Large T Antigen in 18 Autopsied Malignant Mesothelioma Patients in Japan," Journal of Medical Virology 74 (2004): 668–76; D. E. M. Rollison, W. F. Page, H. Crawford, et al., "Case-Control Study of Cancer among U.S. Army Veterans Exposed to Simian Virus 40-Contaminated Adenovirus Vaccine," American Journal of Epidemiology 160 (2004): 317–24; E. A. Engels, J. Chen, R. P. Viscidi, et al., "Poliovirus Vaccination during Pregnancy, Maternal Seroconversion to Simian Virus 40, and Risk of Childhood Cancer," American Journal of Epidemiology 160 (2004): 306–16.

  Polio vaccine as the source of AIDS: E. Hooper, The River: A Journey to the Source of HIV and AIDS (Boston: Little, Brown, 1999); S. A. Plotkin and H. Koprowski, "No Evidence to Link Polio Vaccine with HIV," Nature 407 (2000): 941; S. A. Plotkin, D. E. Teuwen, A. Prinzie, and J. Desmyter, "Postscript Relating to New Allegations Made by Edward Hooper at the Royal Society Discussion Meeting on 11 September 2000," Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 356 (2001): 825–29; S. A. Plotkin, "Untruths and Consequences: The False Hypothesis Linking CHAT Type 1 Polio Vaccination to the Origin of Human Immunodeficiency Virus," Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 356 (2001): 815–23; S. A. Plotkin, "Chimpanzees and Journalists," Vaccine 22 (2004): 1829–30.

  Source of HIV: L. Neergaard, "Scientists Trace AIDS Origin to Wild Chimps: Gene Tests Match Virus to Primates in Cameroon to First Known Human Case," Associated Press, May 25, 2006; L. Roberts, "Polio Eradication: Is It Time to Give Up?" Science 312 (2006): 832–35.

  Wistar rabies vaccine studies: T. J. Wiktor, F. Sokol, E. Kuwert, and H. Koprowski, "Immunogenicity of Concentrated and Purified Rabies Vaccine of Tissue Culture Origin," Proceedings of the Society of Experimental Biology and Medicine 131 (1969): 799–805; T. J. Wiktor, S. A. Plotkin, and D. W. Grella, "Human Cell Culture Rabies Vaccine," Journal of the American Medical Association 224 (1973): 1170–71.

  Chickenpox disease: Plotkin and Orenstein, Vaccines.

  Weller and chickenpox virus: Weller, Growing Pathogens.

  Takahashi and chickenpox vaccine: M. Takahashi, T. Otsuka, Y. Okuno, et al., "Live Vaccine Used to Prevent the Spread of Varicella in Children in Hospital," Lancet 2 (1974): 1288–90; M. Takahashi, Y. Okuno, T. Otsuka, et al., "Development of a Live Attenuated Varicella Vaccine," Biken Journal 18(1975): 25–33.

  Hilleman and chickenpox vaccine: R. E. Weibel, B. J. Neff, B. J. Kuter, et al., "Live Attenuated Varicella Virus Vaccine: Efficacy Trial in Healthy Children," New England Journal of Medicine 310 (1984): 1409–15.

  Hepatitis A virus outbreak at Chi-Chi's: "Officials Link Chi-Chi's Hepatitis Outbreak to Green Onions," USA Today, November 21, 2003; S. Waite, "Thousands at Risk of Hepatitis," Beaver County Times, November 5, 2003; C. Snowbeck, writing in Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: "Hepatitis Outbreak in Beaver County Reaches 130," November 7, 2003; "Hepatitis Outbreak Claims First Fatality," November 8, 2003; "240 Cases of Hepatitis Listed in Beaver," November 11, 2003; "Hepatitis Outbreak Reaches 300," November 11, 2003; "How Hepatitis A Was Spread Remains a Mystery in Beaver County," November 12, 2003; "Beaver County Hepatitis Probe Changes Focus," November 13, 2003; "Second Death in Hepatitis Outbreak," November 14, 2003; "Hepatitis Probe Following Pattern," November 16, 2003; "Investigation Lets Chi-Chi's Staff off Hook," November 19, 2003; "FDA Stops Green Onions from 3 Mexican Suppliers," November 21, 2003; "Mexico Closes 4 Green Onion Exporters," November 25, 2003; ""Smoking Gun' in Outbreak Will Be Hard to Find," November 27, 2003; "How Going Out For a "Decent Meal' Led to Transplant for Beaver Man," December 2, 2003; "Hepatitis Cases Rise to 635 in Beaver County," December 4, 2003; C. Sheehan, "PA. Hepatitis A Outbreak Kills 3rd Victim," Associated Press, November 14, 2003; L. Polgreen, "Community Is Reeling from Hepatitis Outbreak," New York Times, November 17, 2003; B. Bauder, "Hepatitis Cause Eludes Officials," Beaver County Times, November 18, 2003; B. Batz, "Hepatitis News Affecting Beaver County Residents in Different Ways," Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, November 18, 2003; A. Manning and E. Weise, "Hepatitis A Outbreak Tied to Imported Food," USA Today, November 19, 2003; "U.S. Bars Mexican Onions Due to Hepatitis Outbreak," Reuters, November 19, 2003; "Onions Blamed for Deadly Virus," CBS/AP, November 21, 2003; "Toll of Hepatitis A Outbreak Climbing," Pittsburgh News-Leader, November 21, 2003; J. Mandak, "Chi-Chi's Exec Calls Restaurants Safe," Associated Press, November 22, 2003; K. Roebuck, "Hepatitis Victims Describe Ordeals," Tribune-Review, April 25, 2004; C. Wheeler, T. M. Vogt, G. L. Armstrong, et al., "An Outbreak of Hepatitis A Associated with Green Onions, New England Journal of Medicine 353 (2005): 890–97.

  Shanghai outbreak: G. Yao, "Clinical Spectrum and Natural History of Viral Hepatitis A in a 1988 Shanghai Epidemic," in Viral Hepatitis and Liver Diseases (Baltimore: Williams and Wilkins, 1991), 76–77.

  Deinhardt studies: R. Deinhardt, A. W. Holmes, R. B. Capps, and H. Popper, "Studies on the Transmission of Human Viral Hepatitis to Marmoset Monkeys, I: Transmission of Disease, Serial Passages, and Description of Liver Lesions," Journal of Experimental Medicine 125 (1967): 673–88.

  Deinhardt obituary: M. R. Hilleman, "A Tribute to Dr. Friedrich W. Deinhardt MD: 1926–1992," Journal of Hepatology 18 (1993): S2–S4.

  Hilleman hepatitis A vaccine studies: C. C. Mascoli, O. L. Ittensohn, V. M. Villarejos, J. A. Arguedas, P. J. Provost, and M. R. Hilleman, "Recovery of Hepatitis Agents in the Marmoset from Human Cases Occurring in Costa Rica," Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 142 (1973): 276–82; P. J. Provost, O. L. Ittensohn, V. M. Villarejos, J. A. Arguedas, and M. R. Hilleman, "Etiologic Relationship of Marmoset-Propagated CR326 Hepatitis A Virus to Hepatitis in Man," Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 142 (1973): 1257–67; P. J. Provost, O. L. Ittensohn, V. M. Villarejos, and M. R. Hilleman, "A Specific Complement-Fixation Test for Human Hepatitis A Employing CR326 Virus Antigen: Diagnosis and Epidemiology," Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 148 (1975): 962–69; P. J. Provost, B. S. Wolanski, W. J. Miller, O. L. Ittensohn, W. J. McAleer, and M. R. Hilleman, "Physical, Chemical and Morphologic Dimensions of Human Hepatitis A Virus Strain CR326," Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 148 (1975): 532–39; M. R. Hilleman, P. J. Provost, W. J. Miller, et al., "Immune Adherence and Complement-Fixation Tests for Human Hepatitis A: Diagnostic and Epidemiologic Investigations," Development of Biological Standards 30 (1975): 383–89; M. R. Hilleman, P. J. Provost, B. S. Wolanski, et al., "Characterization of CR326 Human Hepatitis A Virus, a Probable Enterovirus," Development of Biological Standards 30 (1975): 418–24; W. J. Miller, P. J. Provost, W. J. McAleer, O. L. Ittensohn, V. M. Villarejos, and M. R. Hilleman, "Specific Immune Adherence Assay for Human Hepatitis A Antibody: Application to Diagnostic and Epidemiologic Investigations," Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 149 (1975): 25
4–61; P. J. Provost, B. S. Wolanski, W. J. Miller, O. L. Ittensohn, W. J. McAleer, and M. R. Hilleman, "Biophysical and Biochemical Properties of CR326 Human Hepatitis A Virus," American Journal of Medical Sciences 270 (1975): 87–91; M. R. Hilleman, P. J. Provost, W. J. Miller, et al., "Development and Utilization of Complement-Fixation and Immune Adherence Tests for Human Hepatitis A Virus and Antibody," American Journal of Medical Sciences 270 (1975): 93–98; V. M. Villarejos, A. Gutierrez-Diermissen, K. Anderson-Visona, A. Rodriguez-Aragones, P. J. Provost, and M.R. Hilleman, "Development of Immunity against Hepatitis A Virus by Sub-clinical Infection," Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 153 (1976): 205–8; P. J. Provost, V. M. Villarejos, and M. R. Hilleman, "Suitability of the Rufiventer Marmoset as a Host Animal for Human Hepatitis A Virus," Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 155 (1977): 283–86; P. J. Provost, V. M. Villarejos, and M. R. Hilleman, "Tests in Rufiventer and Other Marmosets of Susceptibility to Human Hepatitis A Virus," Primates in Medicine 10 (1978): 288–94; P. J. Provost and M. R. Hilleman, "An Inactivated Hepatitis A Vaccine Virus Prepared from Infected Marmoset Liver," Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 159 (1978): 201–3; P. J. Provost and M. R. Hilleman, "Propagation of Human Hepatitis A Virus in Cell Culture in vitro," Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 160 (1979): 213–21; P. J. Provost, P. A. Giesa, W. J. McAleer, and M. R. Hilleman, "Isolation of Hepatitis A Virus in vitro in Cell Culture Directly from Human Specimens," Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 167 (1981): 201–6; P. J. Provost, F. S. Banker, P. A. Giesa, W. J. McAleer, E. B. Buynak, and M. R. Hilleman, "Progress Toward a Live, Attenuated Human Hepatitis A Vaccine," Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 170 (1982): 8–14; P. J. Provost, P. A. Conti, P. A. Giesa, F. S. Banker, E. B. Buynak, W. J. McAleer, and M. R. Hilleman, "Studies in Chimps of Live, Attenuated Hepatitis A Vaccine Candidates," Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 172 (1983): 357–63; W. M. Hurmi, W. J. Miller, W. J. McAleer, P. J. Provost, and M. R. Hilleman, "Viral Enhancement and Interference Induced in Cell Culture by Hepatitis A Virus: Application to Quantitative Assays for Hepatitis A Virus," Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine 175 (1984): 84–87.